Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Publication Ethics
Peer Review Procedure
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Journal title
Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Scientific speciality according to Nomenclature
5.6.1. Отечественная история (исторические науки)
5.6.2. Всеобщая история (исторические науки
5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение методы исторического исследования (исторические науки
5.6.6. История науки и техники (исторические науки
5.6.7. История международных отношений и внешней политики (исторические науки
5.2.1. Экономическая теория (экономические науки)
08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством по отраслям и сферам деятельности)(экономические науки)
5.2.4. Финансы (экономические науки)
08.00.12 Бухгалтерский учет, статистика (экономические науки)
08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики (экономические науки)
5.2.5. Мировая экономика (экономические науки
5.7.1. Онтология и теория познания (философские науки)
5.7.2. История философии (философские науки)
5.7.3. Эстетика (философские науки)
5.7.4. Этика (философские науки)
5.7.5. Логика (философские науки)
5.7.6. Философия науки и техники (философские науки)
5.7.7. Социальная и политическая философия(философские науки)
5.7.8. Философская антропология, философия культуры (философские науки)
5.7.9. Философия религии и религиоведение(философские науки)
12.00.01 Теория и история права и государства; история учений о праве и государстве(юридические науки)
12.00.04 Финансовое право; налоговое право; бюджетное право (юридические науки)
12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология;уголовноисполнительное право (юридические науки)
12.00.09 Уголовный процесс (юридические науки)
12.00.10 Международное право;Европейское право (юридические науки
12.00.11 Судебная деятельность, прокурорская деятельность правозащитная и правоохранительная деятельность (юридические науки)
12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-разыскная деятельность (юридические науки
12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс(юридические науки)
5.8.1. Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования (педагогические науки)
5.8.2. Теория и методика обученияи воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки)
13.00.04 – Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки,оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры (педагогические науки)
5.8.7. Методология и технология профессионального образования(педагогические науки
5.3.1. Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии (психологические науки
5.3.2. Психофизиология (психологические науки
5.3.3. Психология труда, инженерная психология,когнитивная эргономика(психологические науки
19.00.05 Социальная психология (психологические науки
5.3.4. Педагогическая психология психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред (психологические науки)
5.3.8. Коррекционная психология и дефектология (психологические науки)
19.00.13 Психология развития, акмеология (психологические науки)
5.4.1. Теория, методология и история социологии (социологические науки)
22.00.03 Экономическая социология и демография (социологические науки)
5.4.4. Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы (социологические науки)
5.4.5. Политическая социология (социологические науки)
5.4.6. Социология культуры (социологические науки)
5.4.7. Социология управления (социологические науки)
23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки(политические науки)
5.5.2. Политические институты, процессы, технологии (политические науки)
23.00.03 Политическая культура и идеологии(политические науки)
5.5.4. Международные отношения (политические науки)
23.00.05 Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика(политические науки)
23.00.06 Конфликтология (политические науки)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(культурология)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(философские науки)
5.10.2. Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (культурология)
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Journal: Theory and practice of social development
Issue 9 (2015)
Дата выхода: 15.05.2015
Journal: Theory and practice of social development. Issue 9
Editorial list
Sociological sciences
Kornilovich V.A. Methodological issues of strategic planning management in the Russian Federation
Rudenko K.I. The factors of youth’s sense of justice deformation
Economical sciences
Gurieva M.A., Matsenko A.V. Sustainable development of the Russian Federation: social and environmental aspects
Aleksandrova E.N., Grigoryev O.I. Background and limitations of balanced scorecard introduction in the Russian practice
Nasybulina V.P., Stadnik A.I., Petrov D.V. Modern performance analysis of enterprise financial stability
Ashmarina S.I., Kandrashina E.A. The business environment factors of enterprises' functioning, which support their sustainable development and competitiveness in the national and global economy
Kuznetsov N.V. The features of financing of socially-important enterprises in crisis conditions
Oleynik G.S., Naumova T.S. Target indication of value-based financial management of the corporation
Zabolotskaya V.V., Bordiyan L.V. The value of information support in the assessment of the financial condition of small business borrower
Khasbulatova B.M. Competitiveness of commercial enterprises and its role in the support of effective market activities
Yurasova O.I., Pautov G.A. Performance improvement of the truck manufacturing company by optimizing the production cost
Lenkova O.V., Osinovskaya I.V. Assessment of development prospects of Russian oil and gas companies
Zolnikova S.N., Sokolova M.A. The cost control at gas-transportation companies
Titov A.P. Risk management of economic sustainable development of higher education institutions
Bitkina I.K. The theoretic methodological bases of the national monetary system stability estimation
Kalistratov M.A. Regulation of the margin transactions segment of the Russian stock market
Kostromin P.A. Import substitution of medicines in Russia by volume, nomenclature and quality
Abakarova R.S. Improvement of state regulation of agrarian and industrial complex of Russia
Shakhshaeva L.M. Retail of crop production in the republic of Dagestan
Ataeva T.A. Event marketing as a tool of product promotion and image making
Posypai G.P. Assessment of the distinctiveness of Soviet brands: sociological expertise of the economic and legal situation
Legal sciences
Butyrskaya A.V., Lushin E.A. Reinforcement of the law and order as a way of combating organized crime in the Russian Federation
Tsareva E.S., Kosovskiy V.B. The features of Crimea Federal District integration in the Russian Federation's legal field in the scope of the criminal procedural legislation
Klimanov A.M., Peshkov D.V. Some issues of classification of crimes under the Article 137 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Shuvalova A.M. Forensic sub-theory of evidences as a theoretical basis for creation of forensic psychological profile of a person committed a crime
Batykov V.V. Automation of obtaining the sociological evidences of illegal use of individualization means in the civil and criminal procedure
Gutievа I.G. Juvenile delinquency and measures for its neutralization
Tatarov L.A. Specific features of youth extremism in the North Caucasus
Akkaeva K.A. The main problems of the fight against terrorism at the present stage
Bokhan A.P. Criminal characteristics of vandalism and its delimitation from related crimes and administrative offenses
Taova L.Y. Legal regulation of the principle of human and civil rights and freedoms protection in the criminal proceedings of Russia
Kochesokova Z.H. Concerning some issues of public policy in the sphere of national security
Gelyakhova L.A. The right of access to information on activities of public authorities and local governments in the Russian Federation
Kharaev A.A. The features of investigator's activity in cases of counteracting to investigation of crimes against property from the head of the investigative body
Sasikov A.I. Application of the parole under the laws of the Russian Federation
Mashekuasheva M.H. Urgent issues of professional psychological training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Manukian A.R. Vocational training in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation
Veretennikov N.N. The jurisdiction of military courts in the special legal regimes
Mukhina I.D. Environmental rule of law: content problems
Political sciences
Safonov V.A. Sport as a tool political image formation
Historical sciences
Soskovets L.I., Rogaeva I.E. The history of the New Plymouth colony in the Anglo-American historiography
Bunkova Y.V., Tamazov M.S., Erzhibova F.A. European constitutionalism of 1848–1849 and electoral rights of citizens
Vlasov N.A. International Missions of Bundeswehr: periodization issue
Khairetdinov D.Z. Ethnic strata of Nizhny Novgorod Tatars
Ramazanova D.S. The language policy in Dagestan: historical aspect
Kachanov A.A. The health care of Stavropol province during the First World War
Philosophical sciences
Lomshin M.I., Bakayeva Z.Y. Features of information processes in the structure of the modern information society
Ioyleva G.V. Thinking (thought dynamics) as a pivotal basis of consciousness
Yatsevich O.E. Downshifting: from history to modernity
Pamyatusheva V.V. Research and practice support of sustainable development of Russia
Cultural sciences
Akimova I.A. Russian approach to engineers’ training: from tradition to innovations
Pedagogical sciences
Paramonov G.V. Teaching to read as a general pedagogical problem
Galishnikova E.M. Foreign language teaching: problems and prospects
Podlavilcheva N.P. Approaches to the study of economic disciplines in the university
Sabirova F.M., Latipova L.N. Relevant issues of the history of natural, mathematical and technical sciences and education: analysis and synthesis of experience
Beloborodova M.E., Yudina M.G. Formation of research skills in the context of physics laboratory practicum with application of information technologies
Panova O.S. Reasonable areas of methodology improvement in the sports reserve training of sprint athletics
Dadova Z.I. Concerning the tasks of the improvement of the youth's moral education
Yakovleva N.A. Concerning tolerance development in adolescence and youth environment
Krasnook Z.P., Kabanova S.V. The society's moral values as a factor of worldview formation of young people
Kuzhekov A.Y. Development of stable citizenship of future employees of the correctional system in the context of student-centered approach
Boziev A.T. Concerning the necessity of considering national and cultural traditions of the North Caucasian peoples in the police activities
Psychological sciences
Umansky S.V. Synergetic approaches in psychological family counseling
Ivanova N.V. Examination of educational environment as a factor of personality development of a primary schoolchild
Mikhaylova I.V., Sedunova A.S., Gnedova S.B. Subjective factors of occupational mobility
Khalilullina D.Z. Professional values and personnel training at organizations rendering hotel and restaurant services
Lavrentyeva I.V., Reksha Y.M. Professionally important personal traits of penal system psychologists
Bugakova E.S. Development of communicational skills of maritime university students
Alekseeva E.B. Interaction of personal and activity-based characteristics of nurse business managers in the course of professionalizing: typological alternatives