Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Publication Ethics
Peer Review Procedure
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Journal title
Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Scientific speciality according to Nomenclature
5.6.1. Отечественная история (исторические науки)
5.6.2. Всеобщая история (исторические науки
5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение методы исторического исследования (исторические науки
5.6.6. История науки и техники (исторические науки
5.6.7. История международных отношений и внешней политики (исторические науки
5.2.1. Экономическая теория (экономические науки)
08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством по отраслям и сферам деятельности)(экономические науки)
5.2.4. Финансы (экономические науки)
08.00.12 Бухгалтерский учет, статистика (экономические науки)
08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики (экономические науки)
5.2.5. Мировая экономика (экономические науки
5.7.1. Онтология и теория познания (философские науки)
5.7.2. История философии (философские науки)
5.7.3. Эстетика (философские науки)
5.7.4. Этика (философские науки)
5.7.5. Логика (философские науки)
5.7.6. Философия науки и техники (философские науки)
5.7.7. Социальная и политическая философия(философские науки)
5.7.8. Философская антропология, философия культуры (философские науки)
5.7.9. Философия религии и религиоведение(философские науки)
12.00.01 Теория и история права и государства; история учений о праве и государстве(юридические науки)
12.00.04 Финансовое право; налоговое право; бюджетное право (юридические науки)
12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология;уголовноисполнительное право (юридические науки)
12.00.09 Уголовный процесс (юридические науки)
12.00.10 Международное право;Европейское право (юридические науки
12.00.11 Судебная деятельность, прокурорская деятельность правозащитная и правоохранительная деятельность (юридические науки)
12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-разыскная деятельность (юридические науки
12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс(юридические науки)
5.8.1. Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования (педагогические науки)
5.8.2. Теория и методика обученияи воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки)
13.00.04 – Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки,оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры (педагогические науки)
5.8.7. Методология и технология профессионального образования(педагогические науки
5.3.1. Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии (психологические науки
5.3.2. Психофизиология (психологические науки
5.3.3. Психология труда, инженерная психология,когнитивная эргономика(психологические науки
19.00.05 Социальная психология (психологические науки
5.3.4. Педагогическая психология психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред (психологические науки)
5.3.8. Коррекционная психология и дефектология (психологические науки)
19.00.13 Психология развития, акмеология (психологические науки)
5.4.1. Теория, методология и история социологии (социологические науки)
22.00.03 Экономическая социология и демография (социологические науки)
5.4.4. Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы (социологические науки)
5.4.5. Политическая социология (социологические науки)
5.4.6. Социология культуры (социологические науки)
5.4.7. Социология управления (социологические науки)
23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки(политические науки)
5.5.2. Политические институты, процессы, технологии (политические науки)
23.00.03 Политическая культура и идеологии(политические науки)
5.5.4. Международные отношения (политические науки)
23.00.05 Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика(политические науки)
23.00.06 Конфликтология (политические науки)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(культурология)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(философские науки)
5.10.2. Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (культурология)
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Journal: Theory and practice of social development
Issue 8 (2015)
Date of release 30.04.2015
Journal: Theory and practice of social development. Issue 8
Editorial list
Sociological sciences
Koriakina E.A. The impact of social responsibility of business on the regional development
Andreeva A.A. Definitions of external and internal labour migration in the framework of the sociological research
Tugusheva A.M. Development trends of social occupational group of municipal government employees as a resource of regional elite
Slezko T.V. Specific features of engineering pedagogical education as a social institution
Masyukova I.A., Plotnikov V.V. Historical dynamics as a basis of the new outlook on the social system study
Economical sciences
Gurieva M.A., Matsenco A.V. Innovative aspects of sustainable development of the Russian Federation
Aleksandrova E.N., Orlov V.I. The role and development prospects of BRICS countries in the global economy
Kolbeneva A.M. International economic integration: retrospective analysis of theoretical concepts
Korogodin I.T., Gaponova S.N. Principles of the analysis of correlation between salary growth and labour productivity
Brisova I.S. Development of the theoretical theses describing influence of prevailing economic activity on the regional economy
Alyakina L.A. Judgment of the CDIO ideology as a factor of human capital development
Kyrylchuk O.V. Institutional changes as a condition of economic competitiveness reinforcement
Chistykova G.A. The problems of economic stability of a company in unstable environment
Osinovskaya I.V. Improvement of well stock management efficiency
Lenkova O.V. Strategic indicators of development of vertically integrated oil and gas structures
Prokopyev A.V. Development of the real economy sector of Nizhnevartovsk in the framework of the economic diversification strategy of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area – Yugra
Volkova M.V. Development of accounting policy as one of the methods of controlling improvement
Khasbulatova B.M. Urgent issues of service industry development in the innovation economy
Bragina E.N., Vydrina V.A. Application of non-price methods of development of regional banking market
Kalistratov M.A. The segment of margin transactions in the securities market
Mayorov S.V. Financing of infrastructure projects by means of tax increment
Ataeva T.A. Forecasting and management of financial resources of the region
Shakhshaeva L.M. Tourism marketing as a tool of socio-economic development of the Republic of Dagestan
Legal sciences
Mazdogova Z.Z. The activities of juvenile inspectors on interaction with educational institutions
Fomenko I.V., Palieva O.N. Legal means of a lawyer’s activity on evidence presenting in criminal cases
Kushkhov R.H. The victim as an element of forensic characterization of a crime
Khupsergenov K.M. The protocol form of pre-trial preparation of criminal cases: hark back to the past
Vilgonenko I.M., Slepenok Y.N. New outlook on the question of classification of easements in the Russian civil legislation
Skachko A.V. Regulation of liability for smuggling crime by laws of the Republic of Belarus: trends determined by the membership in the Customs Union
Avakyan A.M. The subject as an essential condition of the insurance contract
Turchin I.G. The system of property rights, their classification in the pre-revolutionary and modern domestic law
Political sciences
Morozov I.L. Geopolitical security of modern Russia
Yusupova G.I., Idrisov R.Z. Legal aspects of counter-terrorism: strategy and methods of efficiency improvement in Russia
Volodarskaya E.P., Glushnenkova L.T. Concerning detailed system of qualification requirements for public civil service positions
Wang Chaoqing. International security cooperation between the SCO and the CSTO
Ermolin M.A. Features and composition of the political elite of the Khabarovsk Territory
Historical sciences
Bodrova E.V., Kalinov V.V. Historical experience of national economic policy implementation: controversial issues
Shapovalov S.N. Construction of Ottoman fortress Achuyev on the Azov coast in the XVII century
Kuzina I.L. Mass festive events in the socialist new buildings of the 1930-s (case study of Komsomolsk-on-Amur)
Bilim N.N. Propaganda as a form of Soviet youth's education in the 1920–1930-s (case study of the records of the Far East of Russia)
Gorelikov A.I. The issue of inter-ethnic relations and its solution by case study of the indigenous minorities of the Far East
Philosophical sciences
Iritsyan G.E. Postmodern methodology of cognition as a variant of culture studies: M. Foucault and F. Nietzsche
Yatsevich O.E. Existential culture of activities: concerning synthesis of the basic concepts of the theory and history of culture
Kuzemina E.F., Pashkova N.V. Philosophy as a space of free thought
Bilaonova M.Y. Philosophical discourse about the modern ideal
Minnullina E.B., Antonov D.O. Personality in the totality of the system: crypto-component of discourse
Shabatura L.N., Antufyeva N.M. Distinctive character of Russian economic consciousness by case study of Siberia development
Burchikova E.O. Virtual economy as a vector of information society development
Cultural sciences
Artashkina T.A., Hu Yan Li. The specificity of the interaction of Chinese and Western cultures in the context of sociocultural globalization
Bespalaya O.P. Art and boundaries: experience of problem comprehension
Valdes Odriosola M.S. City as a modern cultural phenomenon: research problems
Gorbatova O.V. The philosophical and cultural aspect of the study of dialogue phenomenon
Pedagogical sciences
Shmachilina-Tsybenko S.V. Problems and resources of organization of preventive work with children and teenagers prone to suicidal behavior in school
Lichutina M.G. Interaction of a schoolchild with peers: social rehabilitation or defeat
Kuzhekov A.Y. Topical issues of students’ civil identity development
Ignatov S.B. Natural science education in the formation of elements of ecological legal competence of higher school students
Eltsova V.Y., Sitnikova S.Y. Development of graphic culture as a component of professional culture of technical higher school students in the context of a competence-based education paradigm
Solodkova I.M. Consideration of professional requirements of the students majoring in economics in the process of foreign language learning
Polunin V.Y. Nationalist training of officers of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Gorbunova I.B., Pomazenkova M.S., Tovpich I.O. Tablet and music computer technologies in the professional music education
Rapatskaya L.A., Ivakhnenko A.A. Professional deskilling of a children's music school teacher: causes and consequences
Nurligayanova O.B., Karunnaya O.V. Pedagogical tolerance as a component of communicative competence of comprehensive school teachers
Degtyarev S.N. Improvement of the control and assessment activity as a component of teacher's training
Kornilova L.A., Kabanova S.V. Pedagogical intuition in the structure of educational teaching abilities of higher school teachers
Baklashova T.A. Priority areas for management education development in Russia
Temryukova S.N. Development of education management system in Russia in the late XX – early XXI century in the works of Russian researchers
Toktarova V.I., Mamatov D.R. Implementation of the adaptive learning model based on learning styles
Psychological sciences
Umansky S.V. Synergetics as a modern trans-disciplinary philosophical methodological paradigm of psychotherapy
Tarabakina L.V. Emotional health as a subject of socio-psychological research
Solovieva S.A., Andreeva E.A. Concerning the formation of life orientations of a person in the period of youth
Tuchina O.R. The self-understanding of ethno-cultural identity in different living conditions of ethnic groups
Shipova L.V. Development of criteria and indicators of an internal position of a school student in psychological and pedagogical researches
aasankhuu Enkhmaa. Comparative analysis of career-oriented personality types of Mongolian and Russian high school students