Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Publication Ethics
Peer Review Procedure
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Journal title
Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Scientific speciality according to Nomenclature
5.6.1. Отечественная история (исторические науки)
5.6.2. Всеобщая история (исторические науки
5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение методы исторического исследования (исторические науки
5.6.6. История науки и техники (исторические науки
5.6.7. История международных отношений и внешней политики (исторические науки
5.2.1. Экономическая теория (экономические науки)
08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством по отраслям и сферам деятельности)(экономические науки)
5.2.4. Финансы (экономические науки)
08.00.12 Бухгалтерский учет, статистика (экономические науки)
08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики (экономические науки)
5.2.5. Мировая экономика (экономические науки
5.7.1. Онтология и теория познания (философские науки)
5.7.2. История философии (философские науки)
5.7.3. Эстетика (философские науки)
5.7.4. Этика (философские науки)
5.7.5. Логика (философские науки)
5.7.6. Философия науки и техники (философские науки)
5.7.7. Социальная и политическая философия(философские науки)
5.7.8. Философская антропология, философия культуры (философские науки)
5.7.9. Философия религии и религиоведение(философские науки)
12.00.01 Теория и история права и государства; история учений о праве и государстве(юридические науки)
12.00.04 Финансовое право; налоговое право; бюджетное право (юридические науки)
12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология;уголовноисполнительное право (юридические науки)
12.00.09 Уголовный процесс (юридические науки)
12.00.10 Международное право;Европейское право (юридические науки
12.00.11 Судебная деятельность, прокурорская деятельность правозащитная и правоохранительная деятельность (юридические науки)
12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-разыскная деятельность (юридические науки
12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс(юридические науки)
5.8.1. Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования (педагогические науки)
5.8.2. Теория и методика обученияи воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки)
13.00.04 – Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки,оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры (педагогические науки)
5.8.7. Методология и технология профессионального образования(педагогические науки
5.3.1. Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии (психологические науки
5.3.2. Психофизиология (психологические науки
5.3.3. Психология труда, инженерная психология,когнитивная эргономика(психологические науки
19.00.05 Социальная психология (психологические науки
5.3.4. Педагогическая психология психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред (психологические науки)
5.3.8. Коррекционная психология и дефектология (психологические науки)
19.00.13 Психология развития, акмеология (психологические науки)
5.4.1. Теория, методология и история социологии (социологические науки)
22.00.03 Экономическая социология и демография (социологические науки)
5.4.4. Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы (социологические науки)
5.4.5. Политическая социология (социологические науки)
5.4.6. Социология культуры (социологические науки)
5.4.7. Социология управления (социологические науки)
23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки(политические науки)
5.5.2. Политические институты, процессы, технологии (политические науки)
23.00.03 Политическая культура и идеологии(политические науки)
5.5.4. Международные отношения (политические науки)
23.00.05 Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика(политические науки)
23.00.06 Конфликтология (политические науки)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(культурология)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(философские науки)
5.10.2. Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (культурология)
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Journal: Theory and practice of social development
Issue 16 (2015)
Date of release 30.08.2015
Journal: Theory and practice of social development. Issue 16
Editorial list
Sociological sciences
Ilyinykh S.A. The urban middle class: professional and economic indicators of a lifestyle
Subocheva O.N. The factors of changes in strategies of human resources management in the production organization
Mikhaev I.M., Mikhaev A.M. The managerial economic mechanism optimizing human resources attraction into the Far East regions by case study of the Kuril Islands
Mudretsova N.P. Evaluation of the regional state support effectiveness by employed youth of the Sverdlovsk region
Petrova V.Y., Semenov A.A. The concept of administrative legal regulation
Malashenko M.S. The institutional changes of physical culture and sport: sociological analysis
Moiseenko V.V. The current state of social stratification in the education sphere
Agapova E.N. Changes in the higher education management caused by the institutional determinants
Economical sciences
Orlova N.L. The cluster-networking geo-economic model of global development: a resource vector
Rubinshtein E.D., Blinova O.N. The revenue part of the federal budget
Ataeva T.A. Creation of the territorial brand as a basis of supporting the image of the region in general
Bragina E.N. The problems of monitoring of regional socio-economic development
Gorshkova L.A., Davydov D.M. The threats and conditions of sustainable development of a company
Osinovskaya I.V. Practical application of the set-theoretic methods of HR management decisions development
Gunin V.K. Development of the personnel monitoring system based on the qualimetric optimization model
Razdelkin V.M. Comparison of integrated structures types in logistics
Lenkova O.V. The mechanism of sustainable development program formation for an oil and gas enterprise
Magomadova M.M. The functions of a takaful in modern conditions
Vasilenko A.V. The multilevel model of the resort cluster system in Crimea
Sachkov A.A., Shcherbakov N.A. Commercialization of innovative research activity in secondary and higher vocational educational institutions
Khalitov A.R. The specific features and the role of education in the modern Russian economy
Sachkov A.A. Integration into entrepreneurial activities in a high school
Verlup E.V. The management by objective of territorial development: marketing approach
Nikolayev S.V. The analysis of tourism product quality in terms of high seasonality of tour operator activity
Rostovtsev S.B. Application of innovation sharing conception for evaluation of the role of innovation project participants
Wang Kai. Formation and development prospects of Chinese transnational banks
Legal sciences
Uporov I.V. Universal suffrage as a bourgeois democratic value: modern era demanding changes
Miroshnik S.V. The government award: historical and legal analysis
Zherebtsova E.E., Molochkov A.A. The practice of consideration of executory process appeals by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
Tatarov L.A. Inspection of the car accident scene: common mistakes
Ordokov M.K. The issues of the procedure of incident scene inspection registration
Kumysheva M.K. The legal foundations of police activities concerned with prevention of offences
Kitsai Y.A. Development of the principles of cooperative form of economic management in the Russian legislation
Kanokova L.Y. Compulsory educational measures applicable to juveniles
Tikhanova N.E. Concerning legal succession of retirement savings
Karmokov M.S. Religious extremism in the republics of the North Caucasus
Kardanov A.K. The questions of organization of students' physical fitness examination at vocational educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Toldiev A.B. The legal regulation of "exceptional situation" in Russia in the late XIX – early XX century
Political sciences
Gigauri D.I. The symbolic politics in the socio-cultural space of the city (case study of Saint-Petersburg)
Ganskiy P.N. The blogosphere and the social networks as elements of the modern political process
Lykov K.F., Boyarkina A.V. Political and diplomatic direction of the soft power in China’s foreign policy in the early XXI century
Historical sciences
Kartashova M.V. The state policy of the Russian Empire regarding development of handicrafts in the Caucasus at the turn of the XX century
Sungurov P.A. Incidents in the districts of the Tobolsk province in the late 1911 – early 1912
Ratushnyak T.V. The town watch in Kuban in 1918–1920
Danilova N.K. Aquatic ecosystems: spatial representation of spiritual universe (study of ethnographic materials of Sakha people)
Nechaev K.A. Correlation of expressions Comitia Calata and Comitia Curiata
Philosophical sciences
Karnaukhov I.A. The afterlife cosmology in the classical Protestantism philosophy
Voronov V.M. Identity, event, Dasein and death of the Other
Mavrinsky I.I. Certainty: the object field and the basis for differentiation
Mavrinsky I.I., Shutova T.N. The modes of definiteness introduction: meaning and entity
Pavlov P.V. The ontological idea of truth and the status of correspondence theory
Rendl M.V. The non-classical methodology of K. Malevich: beginning of the postmodern paradigm of thinking
Garashchuk S.S. Methodological approaches to definition of criteria of moral laws' objectivity
Marinkin E.B. Conceptualization of ideas about civilian control of information sphere in the social philosophy
Ramazanov M.E. The role of spirituality in the Eurasian integration
Gracheva E.V. Communications of the axiological system in the risk society
Tkachenko Y.V. Communicative activities of virtual communities
Cultural sciences
Volkova P.S., Gorbatova O.V. "The Ugly Duckling" of G.C. Andersen in animation of V. Degtyarev and Walt Disney: reinterpretation and interpretation
Alekseeva I.V., Pallotta V.I. Scientific relevance of the research of folk art foundation in the image and symbolism of the ornamental culture of Russia and Abkhazia
Lazutina T.V. The symbolic world of ornamental art
Pedagogical sciences
Isaeva T.E. Requirements to the university professors’ competences in different countries of the world
Zagorulya T.B. Actualization of personality of students as bearers of innovation culture: the problem of research techniques
Nordman I.B. Concerning the possibility of a combination of traditional and innovative educational paradigms
Dyachkova L.G., Karev B.A. The educational value and meaning of plein-air
Zhaksylykov R.F. The organization features of professional development of officers of the national guard of the republic of Kazakhstan
Dzhaubaev Y.A., Sarkisova N.G. Prevention of anti-social behavior of students by means of physical recreation
Glebin A.V. Technical and tactical training of people of early maturity age who go in for karate in fitness clubs
Cherkesov R.M. Development of speed and strength qualities of hand-to-hand fighters
Krakhmaleva T.S. The technology of cultural and educational environment organization in secondary vocational education institutions
Zhagereva N.G. The study of comprehensive schools' activities concerned with the civic education of students
Savchenko E.V. Educational methodical support of the general physics course as a means of vocational training of future engineers
Koltsova E.A. The teaching principles of innovative educational environment formation when training bachelors of design by the method of composite
Yashkova Z.O. Cultural and educational activities of the Bogolyubov Library of Arts as an important factor of users' aesthetic education
Psychological sciences
Ozhigova L.N., Lupenko N.N. The features of personal aggressiveness and adaptation of young men to compulsory military service
Kirillova N.B. Media – personality – society: criteria of socio-psychological interaction
Ozhigova L.N. Emotional burnout and self-esteem of actors and teachers
Barkova S.M. The young adults' image of childhood sexuality: diagnostics and gender differences
Kolomiychenko E.V. The self-attitude and the gender identity as factors of corporality image formation of modern youth
Manuylova O.V. Psychological capabilities of the reflexive game in the prevention of youth extremism