Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Publication Ethics
Peer Review Procedure
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Journal title
Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Scientific speciality according to Nomenclature
5.6.1. Отечественная история (исторические науки)
5.6.2. Всеобщая история (исторические науки
5.6.5. Историография, источниковедение методы исторического исследования (исторические науки
5.6.6. История науки и техники (исторические науки
5.6.7. История международных отношений и внешней политики (исторические науки
5.2.1. Экономическая теория (экономические науки)
08.00.05 Экономика и управление народным хозяйством по отраслям и сферам деятельности)(экономические науки)
5.2.4. Финансы (экономические науки)
08.00.12 Бухгалтерский учет, статистика (экономические науки)
08.00.13 Математические и инструментальные методы экономики (экономические науки)
5.2.5. Мировая экономика (экономические науки
5.7.1. Онтология и теория познания (философские науки)
5.7.2. История философии (философские науки)
5.7.3. Эстетика (философские науки)
5.7.4. Этика (философские науки)
5.7.5. Логика (философские науки)
5.7.6. Философия науки и техники (философские науки)
5.7.7. Социальная и политическая философия(философские науки)
5.7.8. Философская антропология, философия культуры (философские науки)
5.7.9. Философия религии и религиоведение(философские науки)
12.00.01 Теория и история права и государства; история учений о праве и государстве(юридические науки)
12.00.04 Финансовое право; налоговое право; бюджетное право (юридические науки)
12.00.08 Уголовное право и криминология;уголовноисполнительное право (юридические науки)
12.00.09 Уголовный процесс (юридические науки)
12.00.10 Международное право;Европейское право (юридические науки
12.00.11 Судебная деятельность, прокурорская деятельность правозащитная и правоохранительная деятельность (юридические науки)
12.00.12 Криминалистика; судебно-экспертная деятельность; оперативно-разыскная деятельность (юридические науки
12.00.14 Административное право; административный процесс(юридические науки)
5.8.1. Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования (педагогические науки)
5.8.2. Теория и методика обученияи воспитания (по областям и уровням образования) (педагогические науки)
13.00.04 – Теория и методика физического воспитания, спортивной тренировки,оздоровительной и адаптивной физической культуры (педагогические науки)
5.8.7. Методология и технология профессионального образования(педагогические науки
5.3.1. Общая психология, психология личности, история психологии (психологические науки
5.3.2. Психофизиология (психологические науки
5.3.3. Психология труда, инженерная психология,когнитивная эргономика(психологические науки
19.00.05 Социальная психология (психологические науки
5.3.4. Педагогическая психология психодиагностика цифровых образовательных сред (психологические науки)
5.3.8. Коррекционная психология и дефектология (психологические науки)
19.00.13 Психология развития, акмеология (психологические науки)
5.4.1. Теория, методология и история социологии (социологические науки)
22.00.03 Экономическая социология и демография (социологические науки)
5.4.4. Социальная структура, социальные институты и процессы (социологические науки)
5.4.5. Политическая социология (социологические науки)
5.4.6. Социология культуры (социологические науки)
5.4.7. Социология управления (социологические науки)
23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки(политические науки)
5.5.2. Политические институты, процессы, технологии (политические науки)
23.00.03 Политическая культура и идеологии(политические науки)
5.5.4. Международные отношения (политические науки)
23.00.05 Политическая регионалистика. Этнополитика(политические науки)
23.00.06 Конфликтология (политические науки)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(культурология)
24.00.01 Теория и история культуры(философские науки)
5.10.2. Музееведение, консервация и реставрация историко-культурных объектов (культурология)
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Theory and Practice of Social Development
Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogics
Society: Politics, Economics, Law
Society: Philosophy, History, Culture
Journal: Theory and practice of social development
Issue 7 (2015)
Date of release 15.04.2015
Journal: Theory and practice of social development. Issue 7
Editorial list
Sociological sciences
Ilina G.N., Dorokhina O.V. The correlation between mergers and acquisitions and the business life cycle
Smirnov A.I. Employment challenges faced by young men after performing military service by conscription
Shakhova I.A. Transformation of marriage values among young people of Amur region
Gavrilyuk V.V., Golikov I.N. The role of youth in the innovative transformation of Russia
Toropov B.A., Moroz D.V. The role of Internet and social media in organization of mass protests
Gavalidi K.N. Development of public and private partnership as a way of realization of some components of the social policy
Smelova A.A. Retirement savings and social investment market
Kozlova L.V. "Upper class": interpretation of the category in classical theories of sociology
Khlabystova N.V. Transformation of requirements of the main consumers of educational services to higher vocational education in the modern Russian society (case study of Kuban State Technological University)
Economical sciences
Borisova I.S. The technique of detection of prevailing economic activity in the particular region
Gurieva M.A., Naymushina D.V. Green economy in Russia
Khasbulatova B.M. The impact of the global economic crisis on the development of tourism in Russia
Yurasova O.I. Features of organization of in-house remuneration scheme for principal engineering workers
Kulakova N.S., Tarasova O.V., Petrova O.A. Optimization of expenses of gas producing enterprise: conceptual approach
Abakarova R.S. Appropriateness of personal income tax reforms
Bartenev A.A. Formation of the independent credit rating scale as a way of institutional transformation of the Russian stock market
Shakhshaeva L.M. Sustainable socio-economic development of enterprises as a factor of economic security (case study of the Republic of Dagestan)
Ataeva T.A. Issues of territory branding
Petrov A.D. Prediction of full cost of a marketing campaign based on consideration for elements of randomness and the need for meeting a goal
Belyakov R.A., Belyakova A.A. The problems of technological development of industrial enterprises and the shaping of demand for innovative technologies
Legal sciences
Grigorieva A.G. The history of legislation on agency contract in the agency transactions system
Leus M.V. Problems of legal regulation of the leasing contract in the civil law of Russia
Nagоeva M.A. Features of hand arms legislation
Ganin O.N. Development of civil society in the Republic of Mordovia
Karmova A.B. Some legal and practical aspects of establishing the fact of employment relationship
Ordokov M.K. Use of special knowledge at investigation of crimes against property
Khadikov R.S. Some issues of investigation of crimes in the sphere of drug trafficking control
Kumykov S.K. Exemption from criminal liability in connection with active repentance
Chepurnykh O.V. Road traffic accidents in the Krasnodar region (2010–2014)
Hachidogov R.A. Contagion of religious extremism in the North Caucasus
Toldiev A.B. Issues of battle suit equipment of special police units
Political sciences
Chikhrinova A.I. Possible consequences of the withdrawal of foreign forces from the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
Slyadneva G.V. Issues of political structure of Abkhazia during the post-revolution period
Historical sciences
Sungurov P.A. Fire safety in Tomsk city in 1913 (based on the report of the Tomsk city fire brigade)
Sivtseva S.I. Population of Yakutia on the eve of the Great patriotic war: new research approaches
Gorelikov A.I. The state national policy regarding indigenous minorities of the Far East after the Great Patriotic War (1945 – early 1950-s)
Siver A.V. Transformation of traditional culture of the Western Adyghe in the XX century
Aligadzhieva Z.A. Wedding preparation of Avars: correlation of traditional and modern features
Philosophical sciences
Ledovich S.A., Marychev V.V., Alieva A.V. Political modernization in the history of Russia: experience of critical reflection
Dybina O.V. The cultural basis of existence in ontogenesis
Feldman A.B. The idea of altruism in the context of the philosophy of N.A. Berdyaev
Grigorenko E.V. Logical semantics as a condition for the formation of true knowledge and objective understanding of a language: G. Frege, A. Tarski, D. Davidson
Kibenko V.A. The moral aspect of education systems in the information society
Tumanova G.P. Juridical structures in the educational process
Cultural sciences
Petukhov P.K. Interaction and interference of advertising and pop art by case study of Andy Warhol's works
Pedagogical sciences
Pushkina I.M. The idea of global cosmic responsibility as a postulate of the past and a basis of the new education theory
Kuzminova E.V., Olkhovskaya E.P. Concerning application of differentiated and adaptive approaches in teaching
Petkov V.A., Dzhaubaev Y.A., Elgaytarov A.A., Dzirikova F.D., Dzirikov R.S. The problem of purpose in the theory and practice of physical education: methodological aspect
Iskhakov R.K., Ustyuzhanina L.V. Charitable activities as a component of vocational practice of students – future specialists of social sphere
Gorbunova I.B., Tovpich I.O. Information environment in education as a resource of information culture development of educational process participants in the school of digital age
Vedenskaya T.E. The concept of “system” and the system approach in pedagogy
Tseloeva D.M. Principles of innovative education as a key condition of humanization and humanitarization of education (case study of educational institutions of Nazran city, Republic of Ingushetia)
Titov B.A. Sensitive periods of natural abilities development of children, adolescents and young adults
Bovda Y.V. Memetic approach in education in the context of counteraction of the terrorism ideology
Gorbunova I.B. Music programming, or Programming of music and computer music technologies
Psychological sciences
Kazarova D.S., Frolova E.V. Application of communication and information methods in education in order to improve its quality
Finchenko S.N. Psychological correction of emotional burnout syndrome